Our Process

What To Expect

01. Consultation

Each consultation is uniquely tailored to your health challenges and the procedures you’re considering.

If you already have imaging, we’ll review it. If not, Dr. Sclafani will order the relevant imaging needed to diagnose and formulate a treatment plan. After reviewing your condition, we’ll discuss your options and walk through the pros and cons of each treatment option.

We’ll also answer your questions, go over any concerns, and discuss what to expect after the procedure. Dr. Sclafani believes in taking ample time with each patient during this phase, so you feel as confident and comfortable with the procedure as possible.

02. Procedure

Next, we’ll order any necessary lab work. If you need any medical clearance for moderate sedation, we’ll walk you through what to do to get that clearance from your primary care doctor or other relevant specialists.

Before the procedure, you’ll get specific instructions, including medications to take the day of the procedure. Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before your procedure.

If you have any questions before the procedure, please call us at (phone number) to speak to a member of our team.

03. Recovery

After your procedure, you’ll get instructions from our team. You’ll need to avoid drinking alcohol or driving for 24 hours if you were sedated for the procedure. We’ll walk you through over-the-counter pain medication options or prescribe other medications, depending on your pain level and your post procedure needs.

The recovery and follow-up process varies depending on the procedure and patient. Often, for simple procedures, no follow-up is required. For other procedures, we’ll see patients a week after treatment and a number of times after that.

Restore your health today.

Let’s talk and see if an interventional radiology procedure is the right choice for you. We’ll start by booking a consultation to hear your concerns and then create a personalized plan of action.